Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


More and more people nowadays read newspaper because by reding newspeper they will get much information and increase their knowledge. Generally, people read the newspaper before working in the morning, they begin their day by reading it as a need. They will feel thwt something wrong when they forget to do it. Unfortunately, not many teenagers who have a habit of reading newspaper. Maybe they spend their time for only studying teir lessons.
People read newspaper according to their interest. Some read it for business, some for politics while the others for fun. That is why the newspaper companies provedes columns for businessmen, politicians, economists, sportmen, scientists, etc. They also provide columns for anyone who wants to sell, buy or rent something. This column is for advertising business. As the competition of attracting readers becemes high, the companies publich their paper more and more attractive. They sell their paper at low price but colourful pages. Besides, they also improve the quality.
In big cities, people can find the papers more easly then those who live in rural areas, because they are sold in many places such as a book store, a stall or somewhere else by street vendors. Readers can also subscribe the paper. In this way, they will get the paper quikly. They may subscribe the morning paper, the evening paper or both.
Newspaper plays an important role on nation building and national development. By reading newspaper, the readers know what happens here and there. They may engage in polemics. They may control the government or the high officials when they don’t fulfill their duties. They can learn the others nation’s success in politics, economy, social, culture and religion. They can learn how to live side by side, help one another among the poor and the haves, show mutual respect among the different reigion believers, etc. In short, people can learn how to live peacefully.

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