Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


When we cock our head and watch the sky, what we see is boundless sky. At day time, the sun shines so brightly that we may not watch it directly whitout using special equipment because it can cause blindness. At night, we can see the moon which sometimes has the shape of crescent, half, gibbous and full. Thousands of stars can be seen easily at night without a telescope. There are five planets that can be seen whitout a telescope, they are Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury.
The moon that reflects the shine of the sun is the brightest body at night. It makes most objects on earth easily seen. Beside the moon, stars can also be seen at night.
Both American and Russian astronomers have observed objects in space for a long time. In observing the moon, they sent astronauts, for example, Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. from United States, landed on the surface of the moon for the first time on July 20, 1969. Yuri A. Gagarin from the Soviet Union rocketed into orbit in the Vostok 1 Spacecraft on April 12, 1961. He made on orbit of the earth. John H. Glenn, Jr. orbitted the earth three times on February 20, 1962.
One of the objects in space is comet. It is a ball of ice and dust which follows the orbit around the sun. When it comes near the sun, it is brightly seen by the naked eyes from the earth. Ussualy it has a long bright tall.
Meteor which is usually known as a fallinf star or a shooting star can be clearly seen at night. It is lucky for people who stay along the equator because they can see all stars in the sky. For people who stay at the North Pole never see stars of the southern part of the sky, and for those who travel to the South Pole never see stars of the nouthern part of the sky.

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